
Åse Lunde här

I så gott som hela mitt yrkesliv har jag arbetat inom sektorerna samhällets säkerhet, resiliens, kris- & katastrofledning, kris- & katastrofhantering och på senare år även civilt försvar och totalförsvar.

Mitt största fokus och driv är att utveckla och stärka människors förmåga och kunskap.

Jag har haft förmånen att alternera mellan att dels arbeta genom det egna konsultbolaget som senior rådgivare/utbildare/talare & coach, och dels arbeta operativt vid pågående kriser och katastrofer (både nationellt och internationellt). Vid pågående kriser och katastrofer arbetar jag oftast i hastigt sammansatt team där personalen kommer från olika organisationer, såväl civila som militära, och där händelserna är karaktäriserade av stor ovisshet, snabba kast och hög komplexitet. Att alternera på det här sättet ger mig en ovärderlig möjlighet att vara både kontinuerligt uppdaterad och kontinuerligt få nya egna erfarenheter.

Under årens lopp har jag utvecklat och fördjupat förmågan att förstå komplexa problem och att se tillfällen till synergier och möjligheter. Jag har en stor erfarenhet att arbeta interdisciplinärt och multisektoriellt och att se och förstå helheter och processer. Jag är också van att arbeta med olika nivåer i organisationer och företag, inklusive ledningsgrupper och bolagsstyrelser.

Exempel på operativt arbetet under komplexa kriser och katastrofer i Sverige:

  • Expert, Socialstyrelsens krisledningsorganisation med anledning av kriget i Ukraina

  • Stabschef, krisledningsorganisationen vid Södertörns brandförsvarsförbund, komplex brand i sopberg i Kagghamra, Botkyrka kommun

  • Stabschef, Socialstyrelsens krisledningsorganisation, Covid-19

  • Stabschef & rådgivare, ledningsstaben vid skogsbranden i Trängslet, Älvdalens kommun

Exempel på operativt arbete under komplexa kriser och katastrofer internationellt:

  • Haiti, jordbävning

  • Libanon/Syrien (väpnad konflikt Libanon-Hizbollah), evakuering av ca. 8 000 svenskar

  • Indonesien, tsunami — anställd vid FN

  • Västbanken, under ”peaken” av 2:a Intifadan — anställd vid FN

Min yrkesbakgrund inkluderar bl.a. även:

  • Strategisk rådgivare/kursansvarig/föreläsare/kursutvecklare vid Institutet för Högre Totalförsvarsutbildning (IHT) vid Försvarshögskolan (FHS) inom ämnen som resiliens, komplexitet & "wicked problems", tidig förvarning & strategisk analys, strategisk risk- och kriskommunikation och även strategiskt ledarskap och beslutsfattande.

  • Strategisk rådgivare i krishantering och krisberedskap vid Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB).

  • United Nations Department for Safety & Security (UNDSS) och United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

  • Polis (Stockholmspolisen, Rikskriminalpolisen/numera Noa, Säkerhetspolisen och Polishögskolan) där jag bl.a. arbetade som operativ förhandlare i kris- och gisslansituation - utbildad och certifierad vid Nationella Insatsstyrkan (NI) och även vid FBI Crisis (Hostage) Negotiation School.

Akademiskt utbildning: 2-årig Master of Science-examen i “Conflict Analysis and Resolution” (specialisering i krishantering) från George Mason University i USA och en Bachelor-examen i “Applied Crisis Management” från samma universitet.


Vad andra säger om Åse

Gary Noesner -- Chief FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit (retired)

"I have had the great honor to know Ase Lunde for many years, both when she served as a Stockholm Police Hostage Negotiator and as she embarked on her independent crisis management career. Ase is an extremely bright and professional individual who has through hard work and extensive international operational experience made herself a top expert in the crisis management field at all levels. There is no one who I would more highly recommend to provide a quality assessment and sound advice to any organization dealing with crisis at any level.

Wendy Walsh -- Chief Learning Officer United States Air Force

“I have had the great pleasure of working with Åse several times over the last few years. We initially met when I worked for the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. She collaborated and lectured at the school on the topics of collaboration, fire science and innovation. She is an engaging and interactive speaker who inspires learning. She also provided an opportunity to share research on leveraging virtual gaming environments for learning with the Swedish first responder community to expand sharing ideas and technology.

As I have followed her career, I have been continually impressed with her leadership. When I served as the FEMA Higher Education Program manager, Åse and I collaborated directly to design and host a workshop to explore the use of design thinking methodology in emergency management, societal security academic programs and practice. It was an extraordinary experience to host complementary workshop with the U.S. State Department Foreign Service Institute in Virginia and the Swedish Defense University in Stockholm.

I highly recommend Åse Lunde as a professional you want to work with! She is incredibly knowledgeable, experienced, dependable and a pleasure work with!”

Doris Attve -- Head of Security (retired)

“Competent, enthusiastic and engaging are words that come to mind when I think about Åse Lunde. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Åse since 2008. During these years she has worked with me on a variety of assignments such as workshops, seminars, lectures, reviews, table-top excercises, and advisory & coaching support. Åse has always delivered, and done so in the most flexible way possible. She has a deep and solid knowledge and expertise in the fields of resilience, leadership, crisis management, crisis readiness, and security risk management. She moves with ease between the strategic level and the operational level and her holistic mindset connects the two. Above all, I’m impressed with Åse’s pedagogical approach and her ability to make complex issues understandable. And of course, her engaging style makes people feel very comfortable and at ease.
Åse is a true asset and she comes with my absolute best recommendations.”

Rodrigo Nieto Gómez -- Geopolitics, foresight, innovation and entrepreneurship in homeland and national security and defense

“I have had the honor to work with Ase many times in the past. She visited the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate school in Monterey, CA to lecture our students on the topics of leadership and resilience. We follow a very rigorous evaluation process, and Ase's participation was highly appreciated by some of the highest-ranking members of law enforcement and homeland security in the USA.

We have also collaborated directly in Stockholm, at the Swedish Defence College, and each and every one of those projects was very successful.

More importantly, it is a pleasure to work with Ase. Not only she is wicked smart, but she is also an awesome project manager, getting things done, on time, and with high quality. I highly recommend her work!”

Jenny Morawska -- Chair/NED/Technology/Finance/Digital Transformation

“Ase is an outstanding speaker - fascinating, knowledgeable and direct. Her Australian keynote address at the 24th Women in Leadership Conference was ranked #1.”

Charlotta Lundin -- CEO/Founder Business Women Sverige

“We invited Åse to our Businesswomen.se event on the theme "Role models" as we think this is what Åse is and represents. Brave, strong and versatile, Åse have taken on challenges in her career many of us never face which gives you new useful perspectives on things. I warmly recommend everyone to book, listen and be inspired by Åse!”